Welcome to the Tartan Senior High School Website... NOT!!!!

"this school is waaaaaacky like are you serious, ants in the media center, cmon" -long neck guy in the downstairs lobby

On this site you will have all of the most important info pertaining to Tartan Senior High at your fingertips.

If you're trying to set your WIN time, the Titan Hub is linked here as well.

UPDATE : 9/20/24

It is done. Tartan has renovated, & in that renovation the circular protrusions near the front of the school have been razed to the ground. Tartan has been demolished, but that doesn't mean we have won. A new edifice has been constructed in it's place. Calling itself the name of the one it replaced, it has essentially become a new Tartan High School, a false titan. It too must be destroyed, until no structure bears its name. DEMOLISH TARTAN HIGH SCHOOL ONCE & FOR ALL.

basically we need to get rid of tartan. idk enough said really, check out the other pages if you need further understanding